Risk Management for Engineers
Risk is a universal phenomenon that affects all people in all activities that they may undertake. This course introduces a structured approach for the identification, planning, treatment and management of risk in an engineering context. Delegates will learn a structured approach to the risk management process.
All engineering activities, as well as project management, are fraught with risk as a result of the very nature of the tasks at hand. Understanding the sources, nature and management of risk is essential for the engineering practitioner.
The course presents a systems-oriented approach to risk, structured according to the internationally accepted Risk Management Standard, ISO 31000.
We will highlight issues that will assist in the preparation and maintenance of risk registers so that they support sound risk management, rather than mechanistic compliance.
Learning outcomes
Delegates who attend the course will gain:
- insight into risk drivers in the engineering project environment.
- awareness and understanding of a structured risk management process and its elements, as well as the Bow Tie method of risk assessment.
- an understanding of effective risk decision criteria.
- awareness and understanding of risk treatment options.
- awareness of contractual issues such as substitutions and responsibility for performance.
- insight into proper risk management planning and risk management documentation.
Course format
Principles and examples will be presented.
Learning will be reinforced through attendees will be given the opportunity to critically evaluate risk management plans from their own work environment against best practice norms.
Target audience
Council engineers, development engineers, consulting engineers, contractors, and also procurement officials in client organisations, whether public or private sector.
Presenter information
Piet Beukman retired in 2019 as the Director of the Engineering Management Programme at the University of Canterbury and is now self-employed as a coach, mentor, consultant and educator. An accomplished “pracademic”. He has over 40 years of experience in the aerospace, military, marine engineering, venture capital, commercialisation and consulting industries to offer. He also managed complex engineering projects.
Piet is influential in developing NZ best practice methods for the effective execution of engineering activities. He is highly regarded in New Zealand and internationally as a practitioner with a sound track record of achievement for using a practical, but rigorous, approach.
Piet has presented numerous webinars and short courses for local and international organisations including consulting firms, contractors, technology companies, district and city councils, electricity, infrastructure organisations and government departments.