Giving feedback and performance reviews
Giving feedback is essential for developing top performers. This course focuses on how to give effective feedback and coach staff for success. Participants will explore how to conduct performance reviews and set goals for high-performing teams.
Giving effective feedback is essential for improving staff and team performance. Performance development is one of the most effective ways to improve productivity and a company’s profitability.
Yet many managers avoid giving constructive feedback for fear of getting it wrong and facing legal action.
This course focuses on how to create a high-performing team by giving effective feedback and coaching to improve performance.
Through discussion and scenarios, course participants will explore how to give constructive feedback, coach staff, and conduct performance reviews.
We will answer questions like: How often should you meet with staff in regular catch ups? What are SMART goals and performance objectives? How can you reduce manager biases for a fair assessment in performance reviews?
Participants will learn how to give effective feedback and conduct performance reviews with ease.
This course is not designed for participants registered for the online course Leaders Guide to Performance Management which is a comprehensive guide of this topic.
Learning outcomes
This course is designed to help you:
- Recognise the importance of frequent feedback for developing high-performing teams
- Consider regular catch ups with staff for effective two-way feedback
- Identify tools and techniques for giving staff constructive feedback with confidence
- Practice giving constructive feedback to improve results
- Recognise the importance of praise for positive working relationships
- Explore how to assess staff performance fairly
- Consider content in a performance review template
- Identify how to assess staff performance fairly by reducing manager biases
- Consider a checklist for conducting performance reviews easily
- Set and evaluate goals for staff to challenge and motivate high performance
Intended audience
Engineering professionals, team leaders, managers and HR professionals who wish to improve how they conduct performance reviews and give feedback to their team. This course focuses on how to coach staff and conduct performance reviews and set goals for success.
Giving Feedback and Performance Reviews is a 4.5 hour course, facilitated online. Concepts and case law will be introduced and explained, then applied through scenarios and discussions. Real-time interactions including group activities, polls and Q&As will allow you to connect and ask questions throughout the course.
Presenter information
As director of KiwiBoss, employment lawyer Julia Shallcrass is an experienced presenter on performance management and leadership training. Julia is a practical and engaging presenter with expertise in training engineering professionals through the online course, Leader’s Guide to Performance Management. Julia is an employment columnist for the NZ Herald.