Working with Producer Statements
Recently updated to reflect current practice, this course will provide an overview of the use of producer statements both for Building Consent and for other regulatory purposes. It will also cover other building consent related issues including responsibilities and liabilities.
The appropriate use of Producer Statements continues to be the source of some contention between practitioner engineers and Building Consent Authorities (BCAs). BCAs continue to rely upon them when processing building consent applications and applications for code compliance certificates.
The course will provide an overview of the producer statement system, explain the use of the PS 1 – Design, PS 2 Design Review and PS 4 Construction Review forms, and provide some useful tips for completing them.
The course also covers the following, as related to Producer Statements and Building Consent processes including:
- Restricted Building Work
- Working with sub-consultants
- Construction Monitoring
- Peer Review
- Responsibilities and Liabilities
- New ‘A’ series Producer Statements for non-Building Act purposes.
- The new Practice Advisory on Durability (B2)
Learning Outcomes
Delegates who attend this course will be able to use the acquired knowledge immediately in a consulting or BCA environment including:
- Types and purpose of produce statements
- Key considerations for producer statement authors
- Guidance for BCAs for accepting producer statements
- Use of producer’s statements for Restricted Building Work
- Liability and PI considerations
Target Audience - The course is suitable for all who issue or review and accept Producer Statements.
Presenter Information
Adam Thornton has over 40 years structural engineering experience on a broad range of commercial, institutional, high-rise and retail projects. Adam is widely respected in the construction industry for his innovative in-depth construction knowledge and his leadership.
Adam has extensive knowledge of the Building Act, building codes and Building Consent Authority processes. He is the author of the practice note on producer statements.