Legal Skills for Engineers
Legal Skills for Engineers
The Engineer to the Contract
8 hours
$990.00 incl. GST
Contract law for non-lawyers
8 hours
$900.00 incl. GST
The Health and Safety at Work Act
4.5 hours
$295.00 incl. GST
NZS 3910:2013 - An Introduction (online)
6.5 hours
$395.00 incl. GST
NZS 3910:2013 – Practical Applications - Online
7 hours
$790.00 incl. GST
Risk Management for Engineers
4.5 hours
$450.00 incl. GST
Effective site visits, meetings, & inspections: an engineer’s guide
7 hours
$900.00 incl. GST
Expert Opinion: How to formulate, record, and speak to it
16 Hours
$1,800.00 incl. GST
NZS 3910 - An Introduction (Online)
6.5 hours
$720.00 incl. GST
Negligence and Liability for Engineers
7.5 hours
$900.00 incl. GST
NZS 3916:2013 – Design & Construct (online)
4 hrs
$900.00 incl. GST